Funding for Extreme Poverty in Developing Lands

Funding received from the "Global Fundraiser – to help People & Planet" for...:
> providing support for infant malnutrition
> long acting contraceptive aid for women
> improved health initiatives
> improved rural roads
> improving education for children
> extending the reach of digital payment and financial systems
> famine and refugee “relief and recovery” efforts
> affordable and clean energy - solar and wind

Rural support in developing lands:
> helping build rural infrastructure
> building and maintaining wells
> improving/building/engineering rural roads
> fund the training of people in villages
> building rail transport from rural roads to market
> pay wages to locals to help build and maintain their own wells, road and rail transport
> supporting women in business
> micro-financing, with zero to very low interest rates
> educate and update family farmers in the cultivation of the best crops for their region
> systems to eliminate loss or waste of food
> providing seed, fertilizer, quality storage systems, tools, machinery and other resources for farming
> building supply resource depots for seed, fertilizer, tools, spare parts and other resources